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Contact Mommyrose621
TEXAS, United States
$ 1.75
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Hello I am a mother of 7 beautiful children, which I homeschool 6 of them currently, it has been the most amazing journey in life being a mother & a homeschooling mother!! We eat a very special diet due to some of our children having food allergies & us wanting to be as healthy as we can be in life! About 5 years ago we switched to this lifestyle, it's not a journey!! We stick to one Ingredient foods, if it's something that we want that causes for more than just one ingredient I make it at home myself, if it's not made in my kitchen by me, we do NOT eat it!! We don't eat any processed or ultra processed foods, We only eat the best so that we can feel & Be our best! Our diet is free of dairy,Gluten & Soy! We only eat grass fed meats, No meats with any added antibiotics or steroids! We don't use any sugars, we use monk fruit & stevia!! Our health is our Wealth in this world & people are not understanding that eating this processed/ultra processed foods these man made foods are killing & causing so many different diseases!! We thrive to be our best & perform at our best & there's nothing better than knowing what you're exactly putting in your bodies & your children's bodies! I resistant train 3x a week & when I am not resistant training I have a daily exercise I do myself along with taking walks, I make sure to have my 30mins of sunlight first thing waking up in the morning while oil pulling! I have breastfed all of our children & always have produced an over supply of milk, I know how to properly freeze & storage my milk, I am also a very experienced shipper! My milk is very high in fatty which is a great thing ! If you decide for me to be your donor I can assure you're getting the absolute best for your baby!
I don't smoke,drink or do any drugs, I am FREE OF ANY STD's & FREE OF HIV/AIDS which I have recent blood work showing this! So let's take this Journey together
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