Contact kko Pittsfield, Massachusetts, United States
$ 1.00
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Hi! I'm a 34 year old third time Mom of an 8-month-old. I am also a registered dietitian with very healthy diet and exercise regularly. Currently taking a prenatal and 8,000 IUs of vitamin D3 so baby will receive full vitamin D needs through the breast milk, no need for supplementation. No smoking or drug use, occasional alcohol but never before I pump. 2 Pfizer COVID vaccines + 1 booster. I have had an oversupply with each baby though exclusively breastfeeding. My baby was also born 5 weeks early and I have stored colostrum (great for newborns), transitional milk, and mature milk from July 2023 to present all stored freshly pumped in a deep freezer and would hate to waste! Preferring local meetup within an hour. $1 per ounce or bulk pricing available.