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Contact MaddyB
Greenville, WI, United States
$ 1.00
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Hi I’m Maddy. 30 years old and mom of 3. I have two boys I exclusively breastfed for a year each. My 3rd is a baby girl born at 26 weeks weighing 1 lb 14 oz in the NICU. I’m exclusively pumping as she’s not big enough to breastfeed yet. I have an oversupply and my girl is only taking a small amount. We’re going to be in the NICU for a while and for the time being I have way too much milk.
I’m very healthy. Non smoker. No alcohol or drugs. No medications. I take a prenatal, vitamin D, and ashwaghanda+magnesium supplements.
Thank you for purchasing and helping fund our NICU cost.

Please feel free to ask and additional questions.

No Adult Wet Nursing, No Pictures, No Videos. Donation to a Baby Only! If you do not have a needy baby do not reply.
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